We are constantly using Open-Source software and technologies like Linux, Android, Firefox, WordPress, and the list goes on, but still, many of us are unaware of the benefits of Open Source and why many multimillion organizations choose to tak ...
Digital art is an artistic work or practice that uses digital technology as part of the creative or presentation process. Artisan was a fun filled inter college event, where participants were given an opportunity to showcase their designing sk ...
A quiz is a form of game or mind sport, where people attempt to answer questions correctly. It is a game to test knowledge about a certain subject. Quizzes may be held on a variety of subjects. Quizzicle was a fun filled inter college event, w ...
C++ Crash Course
C++ is one of the most widely used languages for real-world software. In the hands of a knowledgeable programmer, C++ can produce small, efficient, and readable code that any programmer would be proud of. The pleasure to teach our juniors is u ...
Unblocking the Blocks in Blockchain Technology
This event taught the students about a very rapidly evolving technology called Blockchain. Blockchain is a secure technology. It is built on the foundations of cryptography and inherently protects modification of data. Blockchain is evolving i ...
Gaming Event
“Failure doesn’t mean that it’s GAME OVER, it means try again with EXPERIENCE…” This event was a team collaborated effort of all the students and teachers of ITSA and ACM Student Chapter of I²IT. All the students worked very hard and endlessly ...
2D-Game Development Workshop
Over the past 10 years, the area of computer games has expanded to be a significant area of computer science research. Game design experience starts with an idea, often a modification of an existing concept. The game designer usually produces ...
Full-Stack Development Workshop
A Full Stack Developer is an engineer who works on both client-side and server-side of the software application. This type of developer works on the Full Stack of a software application meaning Front end development, Back end development, Data ...
Placement Drive
Placement Drive was a virtually conducted event for students to give them a glimpse of how placement for companies are conducted. A placement drive usually consists of aptitude round, a coding round, and technical and managerial interviews for ...
Eminent Speaker Program
Learning to write a research paper brings an opportunity to learn something new, to develop better writing skills, gain better knowledge about the field you're researching on, cultivates critical thinking etc. I2IT ACM Student Chapter & IT ...
Distinguish Speaker Program
A great speaker can make the difference between a good event and a WOW event. Distinguished Speaker Program is an excellent way to educate the students and technical staff along with increasing their knowledge on various topics and get their q ...
Social Event
The feeling when you get paid for pursuing your hobbies and the wonderful feeling when you opt to donate the money earned from your hobbies for a good cause. Hence, we organized a Gaming Event and we provided our ACM funds to help needy people ...